
The game is finished, but i do want to have the player more freedom of movement, but it will conflict with other scripts that I'm having . Just create the 2 gamemode almost made me have a heart attack, I thought I can reuse most of my code from the first gamemode  to make my life easier, but when I try it a bunch of nasty bug pop-up state that there is conflict with too many instance. So i just scrap it all and rewrite the code, maybe there is a smart solution to solve my problem rather than my bruteforce method (But I'm lazy and mostly I just copy the code , with some minor tweak and the script is finished).

Second game I created, this took considerably less time than the last one, 26 times better actually. Write the code, search for assets, sounds, create UI, all finished in less than a day. But i do feel this is too simple, i can't really be ambitious with this concept, but considering that I just made an Indie game in less that 24h still shocked me. I want to create game that is more ambitious, but i guess sometime spend a few hours a day to create and indie is not too bad.

The BGM music I use is:  Ross Bugden - Fall.

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